Now copy everything in the SweetFX 1.5 folder (including the SweetFX subfolder) into the main Vampire install directory.

Navigate through Extras > Shaders and Mods > SweetFX 1.5.

There's actually one included in the unofficial patch, which is pre-configured to tweak the contrast in Bloodlines. To run the game fullscreen by default, add "-full" to the shortcut as well.To enable the console, right click the game's shortcut (on Steam, go to Properties, Set Launch Options) and add "-console" without the quotes. Enabling the in-game console will allow you to disable the game's HUD, change the FOV from its very narrow default setting, and perform other tweaks.Even if you're a purist and prefer the original graphics, there are a couple of great modifications you can make. Great art direction can't overcome some of the game's blurry low-res textures, but fans have put in some work to correct those. Mod itīloodlines is an ugly game at high resolutions. It may be your best hope, especially for fixing the "Failed to find Steam" error. If you're still having issues, check out this detailed Steam guide. If you're having crashing issues, copy all of the files from Vampire's "bin" directory to the main install directory.When I started the game, I got a less common "unable to set mode" error.If you get a "can't find Steam" error, make sure both the game AND Steam are set to run as administrator.Also make sure Disable visual themes, Disable desktop composition, and Run this program as an administrator are all checked. On the compatibiilty tab, run the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Right click vampire.exe in the install directory.You'll have to restart the game to have the new resolution applied. Make sure the widescreen and bump mapping boxes are both checked. Run the game and select your new resolution from the resolution list under video settings.If you're happy with 1080p, don't change anything. For a 1440p monitor, insert 25 as X and Y values on one line. Now replace one of the resolutions with the resolution of your display, if it isn't already listed. Click either Set 16:9 Resolutions or Set 16:10 resolutions, depending on your monitor.It will ask you to locate the install directory of the game. Inside this folder there's a utility called ResPatch.exe. Navigate to Vampire's install directory and open the Extras folder, then Shaders and Mods.If you're running Vampire through Steam, disable auto-updates for the game and close Steam while doing any tweaking.If it gives you an error, don't worry about it for now. Run the game once to make sure it has all the proper files and fills out any config files as necessary.